Athletic Medical Forms
Student-Athletes will need the following items to be able to participate in their respective sport before the first practice begins:
Athletic Fee
There is a user fee of $85.00 with a maximum of $170.00 per athlete, per sport, for any freshman, sophomore, junior or senior athlete. This fee is typically billed on the families' skyward account after the completion of program tryouts and team placement of athletes.
WIAA Physical Forms
The Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association and Nicolet require that each athlete have a current WIAA physical card that is on file with Nicolet prior to the start of the sport of choice. An examination taken after April 1, 2024 is good for this coming school year and the next school year. An examination taken before April 1, 2024 and after April 1, 2023 is good for the school year 2024-2025 only. Please complete the entire form, including the parent information.
The Student/Parent Consent Form, Concussion/Head Injury Form, Nicolet High School Insurance Waiver Form, Sports Medicine Emergency Info, Consent Form and Authorization To Disclose Student's Medical Information & Acknowledge Of Risk And Waiver Of Liability: COVID-19 are available online, through your Skyward account.
Baseline Concussion Testing Information and Instructions
Feel free to contact Andrea Desrude in the Nicolet Athletic Department with questions about any of the athletic forms.