PTSO (Parent-Teacher-Student Organization)

"Like" Nicolet PTSO on facebook!  Parents, Teachers, and Students, stay informed about PTSO events via facebook.


graphic of the nicolet parent teacher student organization logo

2024-25 PTSO Officers

President -  Bridget Carlson
Vice President - Sarah Langerman
Treasurer - Jillian Marx-Wenig
Secretary - Karen Morice

The Nicolet PTSO benefits the Parents, Teachers/Staff and Students of Nicolet High School through support and sponsorship of school events.  All are invited to our monthly PTSO meetings.  Please come to be informed about school events, decisions for funding, ways to become involved and to receive updates from the administration!  The PTSO is a great way to meet other parents, teachers, students and staff at Nicolet!

Join us!  Be sure to join the PTSO through the Skyward website!  Your affordable membership fee goes to support incredible events at the school and many student-led endeavors!   Then, come get involved!  We have fun volunteer opportunities that will get you involved in cool staff support events and hanging out with other parents and staff.  Don't have time to volunteer?  Keep an eye on our Facebook page on ways to make quick, easy donations that are also super important to keeping the events running smoothly.

Questions?   Contact us directly at

Meetings are generally held mid-month on (mostly) Thursday evenings (but check the calendar and Facebook page for any schedule changes) beginning at 5:00pm and typically last an hour.  Meetings take place in room D109. They are fun! Please join us!

2024-25 Meeting Dates:
Thursday, September 26; Thursday, October 17; Thursday, November 21; Thursday, January 16; Thursday, February 20; Thursday, March 20; Thursday, April 17; Thursday, May 15

Be sure to follow our FACEBOOK page at

The Nicolet PTSO benefits the parents, teachers, and students of Nicolet.  The organization raises funds through membership dues (still only $20) and the sale of grad grams. Some of our sponsored events:

Event - Homecoming Activities
Description – The PTSO works with administration and Student Council to help organize, sponsor and support Homecoming Activities, such as the parade, Powder Puff games, bonfire and Homecoming Dance.

Event – Nicolet Merit Awards
Description - Organize and administer Nicolet Merit Award program. PTSO sponsors these awards. All students are eligible to apply for Merit Awards to recognize their active and positive participation in the school community. Merit Award recipients are recognized at an end of the year awards ceremony.

Event - Student Dances
Description - PTSO contributes monetary support for these events throughout the year.

Event - Prom
Description - The PTSO contributes monetary support, donations and raffle items to Student Council for Prom Activities.

Event - Senior Breakfast
Description – A celebratory breakfast for seniors is organized and sponsored by the PTSO at the conclusion of the school year.

Event - Grad Grams
Description – The PTSO sponsors and distributes Grad Grams to provide greetings and congratulatory messages to graduating seniors and staff retirees. 
Event - Spirit Award
Description - PTSO sponsors this award(s) for senior(s) nominated by teachers/staff for displaying the "Nicolet Spirit." Recipient(s) are recognized at the year-end Senior Awards Night.

Event – Cocoa and Cram
Description – PTSO works with administration to organize and coordinate a study session for students to be held on the Saturday morning before mid-term exams. Hot cocoa and bagels are provided free of charge, and teachers, aides and laptops are made available to assist students with their studies.

Event - Staff Appreciation
DescriptionThe PTSO is proud to honor our teachers and staff throughout the year. Some of our events have included a coffee cart and treats during conferences, a pizza party for the department with the most PTSO members and of course, Teacher and Staff Appreciation in the spring. We provide delicious meals, fun gifts and awesome raffle prizes.

We invite you to become a member and to attend our monthly meetings!  The membership dues are still only $20.  Please see our meeting schedule and plan to join us.