We've got a busy week ahead at Nicolet 🥎⚾⚽ 🥍🏫 For the complete list of upcoming events please visit ⤵ School ➡ https://bit.ly/3QqzZHz Athletics ➡ https://bit.ly/3Qdi4Uz
over 1 year ago, Nicolet Union High School
nicolet upcoming events
Nicolet junior Tyler Friedel has been named a Congress-Bundestag Scholar for the 2023-24 school year. CBYX scholars serve as youth ambassadors for the United States, sharing our culture with Germans and bringing the German culture back home. CBYX scholars live with German host families and attend school. In addition to an interest in German, CBYX winners need to be well-rounded individuals with strong communication skills and intercultural awareness. Tyler’s selection is an affirmation of the academic and co-curricular programs here at Nicolet. In German, he has been active in the German Club, the German Honor Society and the AATG Pronunciation Contest. He is also a Spanish 4H student and a dedicated member of our tennis and ski programs. Tyler is the 18th Nicolet German student to be selected for this program in the last twenty years. Jack Drouhin is currently studying in Arnsberg, Westphalia. Soph Franecki spent fall of 2021 in Berlin. Other recent winners are Octavia Grimes and Anja DuPlessis (2019) Francisco Cid-Rodriguez and Caroline Marowski (2018) Maria Graziano (2017) and Robert McCracken (2016). Junior Leyla Emir was also chosen for the program, but has elected to stay at Nicolet for her senior year.
over 1 year ago, Nicolet Union High School
Congress Bundestag Scholar
This week is National Assistant Principals Week. Nicolet is fortunate to have Cristy Bauer and David Coyle working tirelessly to bolster teachers, motivate students, support our principal, and create a positive learning community all while they face the many unpredictable challenges that land on their desk every day! We appreciate all you do!
over 1 year ago, Nicolet Union High School
Associate Principals
Nicolet Hebrew teacher Yael Gal has been selected as a 2023 Herb Kohl Educational Foundation Teacher Fellow. Yael was chosen for this $6,000 grant from among many fine candidates because of her skill as a leader and agent for positive change, and her superior ability to inspire love of learning. The complete list of award recipients can be found by visiting ⤵ https://www.kohleducation.org/ Congratulations Yael on this tremendous accomplishment 👏
over 1 year ago, Nicolet Union High School
Nicolet Hebrew teacher Yael Gal has been selected as a 2023 Herb Kohl Educational Foundation  Teacher Fellow.
Due to the area wide power outage and estimate from WE Energies that power will not be restored for several hours, Nicolet Union High School will be dismissing all students at 1:00 PM today (Wednesday, April 5th). All after school activities and athletics are canceled for today. Riteway will be running all bus routes.
over 1 year ago, Nicolet Union High School
Come see the hottest team in baseball and support the Nicolet Choirs 🎶 ⚾ Nicolet Choirs will be singing the national anthem at the Milwaukee Brewers game on Monday, April 24th at 6:40pm. Purchase your discounted tickets by visiting ⤵ http://bit.ly/3KtjUAV
over 1 year ago, Nicolet Union High School
Come see the hottest team in baseball and support the Nicolet Choirs.  Nicolet Choirs will be singing the national anthem at the Milwaukee Brewers game on Monday, April 24th at 6:40pm.  Purchase your discounted tickets by visiting: http://bit.ly/3KtjUAV All proceeds benefit the Nicolet Choir Department.
Join us on Thursday, April 13th at 3:30pm for the Facilities Project Groundbreaking Ceremony ❗ The groundbreaking will take place near the upper parking lot at Nicolet Union High School.
over 1 year ago, Nicolet Union High School
facilities project groundbreaking ceremony
We've got a busy week ahead at Nicolet 🥎⚾⚽ For the complete list of upcoming events please visit ⤵ School ➡ https://bit.ly/3QqzZHz Athletics ➡ https://bit.ly/3Qdi4Uz
over 1 year ago, Nicolet Union High School
upcoming events
Spanish 4, 4H, and 5AP students were able to put their knowledge to the test during the their trip to Spain and the visit to “La Alhambra”. Their guides were not only impressed with their knowledge of the UNESCO World Heritage Site, but they were also amazed by how well the students understood, spoke, and asked questions throughout the tour! ¡Buen trabajo estudiantes!
over 1 year ago, Nicolet Union High School
Spain Trip
Spain Trip
Spain Trip
Spain Trip
Nicolet (and Maple Dale) were represented very well at the Jazz Unlimited Competition last weekend. Over 30 middle and high schools from the Milwaukee area participated. Logan and Riley Krueger, Pablo Beisser, and Svend Luke all had great performances! Pablo was awarded the "In Plane View" best performer award of $750. Logan was awarded the "Oak Creek Lions" best performer award of $500, and Riley received the best horn player award and $500. Congratulations to the students and their teachers!
over 1 year ago, Nicolet Union High School
Jazz Unlimited Competition
Have a safe and healthy spring break 🌼 Spring Break is March 27-31. School resumes on Monday, April 3.
over 1 year ago, Nicolet Union High School
have a safe and healthy spring break
Team 4786 - Nicolet FEAR is competing FRIDAY and SATURDAY at the UW-Panther Arena. The Wisconsin Regional is a very competitive regional with teams from around the region, and this year a team from Mexico has joined the fray! (Our team has provided them with Tools and Batteries so they can compete.) Want to watch - Go to this webpage: https://www.thebluealliance.com/ Good Luck 🤖
over 1 year ago, Nicolet Union High School
nicolet fear team group photo
Congratulations to the Students of the Month for February. Each academic department selects a Student of the Month who is recognized for helping to promote academic achievement, academic growth, leadership, and resilience in the classroom.
over 1 year ago, Nicolet Union High School
Students of the Month
Students of the Month
Members of Delta Epsilon Phi (the German Honor Society) attended Acacia Theater's performance of We Will Not Be Silent on Sunday, March 19th. The play tells the story of Hans and Sophie Scholl, whose Munich student group The White Rose attempted to topple the Nazi Regime. At the talkback, DEP members were able to share their experiences learning about the Scholls while touring Munich on our 2022 GAPP Exchange.
over 1 year ago, Nicolet Union High School
White Rose Project
Nicolet had an excellent showing at the Badger State Science and Engineering Fair (BSSEF) last Saturday! Ethan Zentner earned a Grand Award at BSSEF (one of three top winners overall), winning a spot to compete at the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) May 14th-19th in Dallas, TX. Because Ethan won the Nicolet Fair and a spot to ISEF for a second time, this opened up another opportunity for a Nicolet student to attend the international competition. The BSSEF judges recommended Jason Shao as he was ranked 4th overall at BSSEF, so Jason will also be joining Ethan in May! Alex Anoma, Jason Shao, Ivan Rivera-Mendez, Ziddane Isahaku, and Ethan Zentner all earned specialty awards. (Ethan won two and Ziddane walked away with six)! One of Ziddane's awards, the Genius Olympiad Award, earned him an opportunity to travel and compete at a special competition in NYC this summer. Many of the students earned cash prizes with their awards as well! The Category Awards earned are: Grant Probst - 2nd in Behavioral Sciences Jacob Byers - 1st in Biology Ethan Zentner - 2nd in Engineering Jason Shao - 1st in Health Sciences And a HUGE shout out to all the faculty and staff members who contributed in one way or another to the success of the students and the Science Fair; Steph Rasmussen, Andi Winkle, Jeff Houck, Dave Quam, Sarah Richter, Kelly Pierzchala, Adam Thiel, Andy Weber, Michael Dicks, Kelly Wendel, Mike McKenna, Joe Patek, Tony and Marisol and the rest of the custodial staff and all the others that played a role in helping the kids with their projects. It was an amazing team effort!.
over 1 year ago, Nicolet Union High School
Badger State Fair
Kelly Wendel and Jeff Houck were spotted spreading a bit of Irish luck and some wee treats to staff and students in honor of St. Patrick's Day.
over 1 year ago, Nicolet Union High School
St. Patty's Day
Staff and students kicked off construction with some ceremonial wall smashing near the main entrance at Nicolet High School 🔨 Construction inside the school is officially underway ❗
over 1 year ago, Nicolet Union High School
kicking off construction
students with a hammer
wall smashing
students swinging a hammer
Congratulations to the following Nicolet Boys Basketball student-athletes who earned North Shore All-Conference honors 👏 🏀 Davion Hannah, 1st Team 🏀 David Bolden, 3rd Team
over 1 year ago, Nicolet Union High School
2022-23 Boys Basketball North Shore All-Conference
Congratulations to advisor Nicole Mueller and the Nicolet High School Model United Nations team for their performance at this year's Wisconsin High School Model United Nations! Team members Taylor Abbott, Gavin Babusiak, Orly Boland, Maia Bozovich, Jack Graskamp, April Hellman, Matthew Hellman, Hannah Janicik, Kristen Laiosa, Adrienne Lee, Georgia Porter, Daniel Ramirez, and Ellee Tabak competed in the two-day simulation, with Outstanding Delegate awards going to Daniel (Ecuador), Hannah (Brazil), and Adrienne (India). Daniel and Ellee also won Outstanding Position Paper for their committees, and Hannah won for Outstanding Resolution.
over 1 year ago, Nicolet Union High School
Model UN
Congratulations to Nicolet Alum ('19) Parker Keckeisen on a successful season 🤼‍♂️ #KnightNation is proud of you ‼
over 1 year ago, Nicolet Union High School
parker keckeisen ncaa runner up